A Kingdom of Isolation....A Covid-19 Diary (Part 2)

The stories I have heard....*shudders #StayTheFAtHome

Oh hello April! Well "social distancing" has obviously moved into a whole new month and will continue for a least two more weeks (our "stay at home" order was extended by the governor last Friday). Classes officially resumed last week, which was....something. While I don't directly work with students, our department definitely felt the effects of this transition to online only. My stress levels were pretty high and I've felt the aftermath with my mental and physical health. I had stopped coloring as much as I switched to sewing projects, but I had to go back to the coloring books to de-stress.


I did go to the chiropractor which was nice, I'm also feeling the effects from not being in my more ergonomically correct office environment. Other than that, I haven't been out except for a couple of walks outside for fresh air but even that is hit-and-miss with the weather. We're in that weird part of the springtime where the temperature can't quite regulate itself, so it'll gradually warm up for a few days, but then that causes it to rain, and then the temperature goes back down. 

My view most of the time

C and I are still both busy as all get out, between our day jobs and our side pursuits, there's never really an opportunity to get bored. We did take advantage of a special offer and purchased subscriptions to MasterClass. Professional development is always a good use of time, and I'm thinking (and hoping) that I'll benefit more from these types of courses more than say, a subscription to something like Pluralsight. I'm not really a "technical" person like C is, I don't want to and have no desire to learn coding or things like that. That is his wheelhouse, not mine. I've only gone through one course so far with Bob Woodward, and I did pick up a thing or two. We'll see as I get further into it. 


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