A Kingdom of Isolation....A Covid-19 Diary (Part 3)
My D&D character
A like THAT *poof* April is gone and we're into May! Of course as per tradition, the weather here has been as sporadic as expected for Indiana. The first weekend of May was GORGEOUS, so Chauncey and I took advantage of the warm weather and sunshine and went for a drive down in Brown County. Others must have felt the same way because we saw a LOT of motorcyclists. Can't say I blame them, it was a perfect day to be traversing the hills and back roads.
Blue skies
The start of May also saw Chauncey and I celebrating our 12th "dating anniversary", the day he asked me out and connected on Facebook (you can read the story here). It hasn't been all sunshine and unicorns, but overall I'm so glad that he is the one I'm stuck at home with. We're both really good and giving the other space when we need it, which when you're stuck in an apartment isn't easy.
Unfortunately as alluded to at the start of this post, the weather hasn't been nice the entire time. In face it's been downright cold recently! It even hailed yesterday! So even if we could go out, it's not like we would unless we had to. The governor has release a game plan/schedule for "reopening" the state with a goal of "back to normal" by July 4th.....
Thankfully Chauncey and I's employers/managers are aware that is very optimistic and have told us that we are going to still work from home until told otherwise by them. So glad that there are some people in charge who seem to be aware of reality versus wishful thinking.
That being said, I'm still keeping busy. I'm not sewing as much as I thought I would, but since I don't have any conventions coming up anytime soon I'm not really feeling the "con crunch". It's more, I'll get to it when I get to it. BUT, I have started a new hobby/activity....
Over at the Five(ish) Fangirls we've started playing Dungeons & Dragons! Yes, I can now punch that hole in my geek card. I created a character and everything (she's seen at the top). Chrissy and her husband are experienced players (Jared is our DM) but the rest of us are complete newbs. Thankfully Jared is a great DM and very patient with all of our questions and fumbling around trying to get the hang of things. It's pretty fun and great way for us to stretch and exercise those skills we might not be using elsewhere. Whenever we do get together, hopefully we can do a group cosplay of our characters....but I'm not getting into a bucket ;-)
Love this post. Yeah buckets are not our friend in the game so far, along with some other creepy crawlies.