Criminal Thoughts: A Criminal Minds Stream Of Consciousness (Part 1)
So I started binging the TV series, Criminal Minds , back in May as background noise while my hands were busy working on stuff for (then) the upcoming PopCon in Louisville . I'd seen miscellaneous episodes throughout the years as reruns, but never in proper order. We had just gotten Paramount+ so I figured, what the hell, why not? Approximately a month later, I'm almost done with Season 5! Some friends and I have a persistent Facebook chat for the random TV shows we may be watching at any given moment, but I thought it would be fun to chronicle some of my thoughts here as well. These will likely be rambly, and may not make much sense if you haven't watched the series, I won't likely do this every time, and I'm not starting back at the beginning, but it's my blog and I can do what I want. šš *SPOILER WARNING* S5 E22 The Internet Is Forever A serial killer in Boise, Idaho, is revealed to have been posting his murders on the Internet, accumulating quite a collec...