
reading // Lethbridge-Stewart:  The Forgotten Son. I'm super behind in the books that have been read for the Traveling the Vortex book club.

watching // The giraffe cam from Animal Adventure Park, I've been sucked into #GiraffeWatch2017

anticipating  // Spring, we've had bouts of warm weather here and there, but then winter came back with a vengeance. I NEED it to be warm!

squirrel 62 degrees

laughing about // Episodes of Mystery Science Theatre 3000 on Netflix
listening to // Metallica! We're seeing them twice this summer!
eating // Trying to eat not a much as I used to, I've really been watching my portion sizes. It's amazing how much I'd eat mindlessly.
working on // Convention stuff! I'm hosting some panels at a couple of conventions coming up, plus all my cosplays I have in the works.
wishing // It was summer. Did I mention I hate the cold?

Owl Nope meme


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