My top 10 favorite Disney attractions!

With my next Walt Disney World vacation quickly approaching (29 days and counting!), I have Disney on my mind pretty much all day. One of the things my husband and I love to do is talk about what attractions we'll do when we get there. While there are hundreds of attraction, I'm going to attempt to narrow my list down to my top 10 attractions (there are no "rides" at Disney, they are all called attractions regardless of whether you actually ride anything. So for the context of this post I'm going to include "riding" attractions, shows, parades and fireworks) Again making this list was very hard and easily could have been longer, hence the honorable mentions at the bottom. I'd love to hear/read your own list so feel free to leave a comment!

Honorable Mentions:

And I must give props to the gone (at least in WDW, but not forgotten) Mr. Toad's Wild Ride


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